New Member
Hello, I've been having problems with OBS Studio 0.15.4. I stream very infrequently, but the rare few times I have streamed in the past I've been able to stream from my laptop (a Toshiba Satellite C55t-A5378) without a single problem whatsoever, other than the occasional low upload rate. I tried streaming Modern Warfare 2 and Minecraft last night, and both games normally are able to run well on this laptop (MW2 with low settings) but when I streamed the games, the FPS dropped majorly. Minecraft, on my laptop, can run at around 120 FPS normally with 8 chunk render distance according to a test I did on 1.7.10 just earlier today, but the FPS was below 15 when I tried to capture the game window. is the link to the log file. is another log file that I just took. is the link to the log file. is another log file that I just took.
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