Question / Help FPS drop in game when streaming league of legends with a strong pc


New Member
I usually leave my fps uncapped and its around 250 or more when not streaming, when streaming however it hovers around 100 and randomly spikes down to 80 or so. Both the inconsistency and the way lower fps than im used to got me to the point where i wont stream until i manage to fix it.

CPU: i7-4770kk OC'd @ 350ghz

GPU: Nvidia GTX 980 TI

RAM: 16 GB ram

SSD: 250 GB ssd

I will post my logs ( if i figure out how to do that) when i get home, someone help. :(


Forum Admin
Not much we will be able to do without the logs to see.

Also, I deleted your other post as it was a duplicate.


New Member
P.S: the txt file is also a long painful stream i had with 80 in game FPS, right now playing with a smooth 280 off stream !


Forum Admin
You are on a very old version of OBS Studio. Try updating and see if the issues persist.