Forum Resource and IP Policy

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Forum Admin
While OBS Studio is an open source application that anyone can contribute to, we still have to be mindful of the functionality that we include as first party features. Users have an expectation that included features are intuitive, thoroughly tested and flexible to meet their needs. In many cases, it is necessary to create functionality tailored to more specific workflows. In these cases, OBS Studio includes an incredibly powerful API allowing third party developers to extend its existing functionality for particular needs.

These guidelines serve to support developers in creating plugins that serve the users wide range of needs while protecting our community and the OBS project as a whole.

Resources can be submitted via the OBS forums Resources section. There are a few key points for a successful submission that must be adhered to to ensure approval in a timely manner.

  1. A resource that is an OBS Studio plugin must, by definition, be compliant with the GPL license OBS uses
    • Any proper plugin that links with OBS Studio is subject to the GPL v2.0+ that we license OBS Studio under. This means that a plugin must have the source code available in compliance with the license. A public repository that is kept up to date is the simplest way to achieve this, and is the preferred method.
  2. Submissions should be stable releases
    • While we strongly encourage testing and experimentation, a resource that is submitted should be considered release-ready for both the benefit of yourself as our users. Unstable and buggy tools can lead to frustration for everyone involved. We do not expect or require that something is entirely bug-free, but if something is clearly not finished, it will be rejected.
  3. If you are hosting a download on an external link, please use a reputable host
    • Services like Google Drive or GitHub itself are preferable to host resources if it is too large to upload to the resource section itself. Any temporary file hosting platforms, such as mediafire, wetransfer, etc. are strongly discouraged.
  4. The resource description should be well formatted, clear, and as concise as possible.
    • See the Resource Information section below for guidelines on how to organize your resource description.

Resource Branding
It is important for users to understand when something is a core part of OBS versus a third party plugin or tool. As such, we ask that you adhere to a few simple rules when it comes to the branding of your work.

These rules apply to ANY application, tool, or plugin you create, not only ones submitted to the Resources system

  1. Do not suggest an official partnership or affiliation with OBS or the OBS Project
    • It should be clear to users that your app or plugin is not part of OBS or developed by the OBS Project.
  2. Do not use the letters “OBS” to identify the resource
    • Usage of the OBS acronym should be avoided in resource names whenever possible. Including OBS in the name has a high likelihood of confusing users as to whether your application or plugin is an official part of OBS or the OBS Project. In certain cases, we permit the usage of the words “for OBS” but this is on a case by case basis and at our discretion.
      • Examples:
        • no-entry.png
          OBS CoolPlugin
        • check-mark-button.png
          John’s CoolPlugin
        • warning.png
          CoolPlugin for OBS
  3. Do not use the OBS logo or IP without authorization
    • In conjunction with the above rules, the OBS Studio logo and other associated OBS Project assets should not be used in your resource icons, marketing, or other visual assets. It is permissible to include the OBS logo or application screenshots on websites or marketing material only when it is made clear that your application or plugin is a third party tool or extension. Avoid phrasing and visual language that suggests a partnership or collaboration between the OBS Project and your resource.

Resource Information
Resources should include an informative description of what your resource does. We highly recommend including screenshots or videos for applications, external tools, and plugins that entail visual functionality like filters.

Include details or link to documentation about how to use your resource in the description. Please be sure that information is specifically relevant to your resource and not simply an advertisement or outbound link to your other products or services. Brief mentions of external support platforms like Patreon or KoFi are acceptable, but should not be a focus of your resource submission.

Include information about how users can report issues or bugs with your resource. It is acceptable to use the resource forum thread itself for such discussions if you so choose, but ensure to note this for your users.

Resource Moderation
Any resource submitted to the OBS resources system is subject to review by the OBS Project moderation team and will be approved at our sole discretion. We do our best to review submissions in a timely fashion, but understand that many of the moderation team are volunteers or have many other project tasks to balance.

Note that while your resource is pending moderation after submission, it will appear as Deleted. If your resource submission is rejected or we remove a resource that was previously listed, we will communicate this to you directly.

Reminder: The above rules regarding naming and branding of your is NOT limited to submitted resources. You are not permitted to use the OBS name or logo in your application or plugins branding even if you are not submitting it to the website.
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