Question / Help Force scaling on Game sources staying between scenes


New Member
I have 2 instances of a game set up, each with a separate title, on each scene I have one source of the 2 instances as the primary focus then the other in the bottom left hand corner. Then on the other scene i have the opposite, but when i switch between them, the scaling stays the same until i reload the source by either re-opening obs, or (preferably) hiding, then viewing the source. I'm trying to figure out if there is a better way to do this, the goal is to have obs auto switch between the two scenes based on the window title, but if I have to manually turn off and on the sources every time it kind of defeats the purpose.

I do have a video of the issue if it's needed.


New Member
OK, i figured out the solution. I can edit the transform properties and input the fixed size there and it doesn't carry between scenes. seems a a rather roundabout way of doing thing, though on further inspection, so was the way I was doing it.