Question / Help Force Microphone/AUX to Mono = Everything Mono??


New Member
Hey all,

I'm new to this forums and I started to play around a little with OBS. I'm trying to figure out how to use FL Studio 12 the easiest way and eventually I'll start streaming some stuff while producing.

I saw this option "Force Microphone/Auxiliary to Mono" checkbox and was wondering, does that actually make everything Mono? Even the stuff I stream, or does it only force my microphone to "fake stereo" as I would call it?.


Forum Admin
It makes it "fake stereo", i.e. sends the same signal to both ears. It won't only come out the left ear, like "true" mono. In fact, it's purpose is to fix issues where a mic is mono and only playing in one ear. This makes it play in both.


You can make your mic Mono/stereo in FL Studio as well if you are running it through it.

For future reference, OBS won't pick up FL Studio as desktop audio if you are using ASIO, you have to use DX, WASAPI, MME or KS which comes with inherent latency (except WASAPI, it is close to ASIO)

You can use ASIO but you will need this VST plugin on your master channel in FL, but it has serious latency/delay
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