Question / Help Font and Font Colors not changing!


New Member
When I go to add text I'll change the font and the font color but nothing actually changes in OBS! Very frustrating!!

At first I thought it had something to do with twitchalerts and their labels, but I tried this with just plain text, nothing attached to it and I had the same problem before. It used to work and then just stopped.

please help!!!


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
0.9.1? Font color appears to be working fine as far as I can tell.


New Member
I'm currently having this problem at the moment. I can pick font sizes and fonts but the colors don't work at all.

This screenshot was taken AFTER hitting OK and reopening the properties panel. I would expect the Text to be Magenta, the Background to be Green, and have a text shadow (which does not seem to work at all).



Forum Admin
I think you have to choose the colors based on the color pickers lower in the Text Source Properties, not the Mac font window.


New Member
Running OBS 22.0.1 and I can't change the test from anything but Helvetica. I was able to change the text once when I first set it up, but now nothing but Helvetica. Any ideas?