Folder I save files appears to have reset or been overwritten - where have my files gone?


New Member
Apologies if this is a duplicate thread - i've tried searching and can't find similar. I have been using OBS Studio in a professional capacity since December to record interviews, which have initially saved in work computer C:\ videos file - also we use MS One Drive professional which accesses the same file in my File Explorer. Something appears to have happened to that file location on or before the 12 April as files that were saved from OBS prior to this date have disappeared. My IT support team at work have not been able to identify where those files have gone - they are not in any of my Recycle Bins (i.e. OneDrive or my PC) and they aren't in the Second Stage Recycle Bin either. The only thing that is curious is that my activity log for One Drive says that I created a My Videos folder on 12 April which I definitely didn't do consciously, if at all. I'm trying to figure out if this is an Office 365 issue or an OBS Studio issue - is it possible that an OBS Studio update caused an error which meant my system created a new folder which overwrote a previous folder used to store OBS files? This is particularly tricky to figure out because I am not particularly IT literate and as I don't work for IT, don't have full access to the system. As I said, my IT support team can't figure anything out and two IT colleagues so far haven't been able to help. I can try and resign myself to the fact that the files are gone forever but if anyone has any ideas or insights, I'd be grateful. I've attached a log file for 15 April as this was the earliest one available in OBS that was closest to 12 April - does the lack of log files before this date indicate something happened also?


  • 2021-04-15 09-30-02.txt
    16.5 KB · Views: 25


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Community Helper
OBS is coded to only store the last 10 log files by default.

As of the log file you included, recordings are saved to C:/Users/jane.greenstock/OneDrive - Midlands and Lancashire CSU/Documents/My Videos/

As to whether OBS can change the recording directory - as far as I know, no. It simply reads your config file and saves to whatever the config file points to. If the folder no longer exists, it'll complain rather than saving elsewhere.