Bug Report [Fixed 0.13.3] OBS Studio 0.13.2 | Anti-cheat hook not working properly.


New Member
Using the Game Capture Anti-cheat compatibility hook crashes the game that i am trying to hook into.

It works fine on the old OBS Client (not Studio.) which is why i'm reporting it here instead of on the game's bug report forums.

I'm trying to hook into "The Culling" which is running EasyAntiCheat. (Perhaps EasyAntiCheat is forcing a shutdown?)

Here's a log:

Edit: I should mention i have tried pretty much everything from changing resolution to admin mode to new scene etc. (And all the combinations in-between.)

Edit 2: I'd like to add that just by hooking game capture(even without anti-cheat) to any game output, the framerate just skydives hard. (Although this also happens when preview mode on the old OBS is enabled, so possibly a Windows thing.)
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New Member
Crash Fixed as of 0.13.3. - although i get no video with anti-cheat on. Old OBS 0.657b works just fine.

Edit 2 still stands though.