Filename of recordings set per profile/scene collection


New Member
Not sure if this would be the correct area to post, however I had an idea to have the "Filename Formating" tied into which Profile/Scene Collection is chosen. While I have portion of the filename format set, I like to edit the varible portion depending on what game title or gamemode being recorded. Since it's likely a very niche option, if implimented then a toggle option would be best


I do this in my app. After recording starts, I use the the websocket - obs new command - GetRecordingStatus to get the filename that it is recording to. A few seconds after you stop recording, I use a command (Note: is is a microsoft API command. (My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(Program_Globals.OBS_Recording_Recording_File_Name, fname) to change the name. I am waiting for some sort of direct obs command in the future to set the name before using it.


New Member
This would be a really helpful option in the filename recording as a formatting option e.g. %PN - Profile Name %SN - Scene Collection Name