FFMPEG VAAPI encoder not working: Failed to init HW frames context


New Member

I am trying to use the VAAPI but it returns an error:
[FFMPEG VAAPI encoder: 'streaming_h264'] Failed to init HW frames context: Cannot allow memory

Also this is what the log returns:
23:37:21.861: [FFMPEG VAAPI encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
23:37:21.861: device: /dev/dri/renderD128
23:37:21.861: rate_control: CBR
23:37:21.861: profile: 100
23:37:21.861: level: 40
23:37:21.861: qp: 0
23:37:21.861: bitrate: 2500
23:37:21.861: maxrate: 2500
23:37:21.861: keyint: 60
23:37:21.861: width: 1280
23:37:21.861: height: 720
23:37:21.861: b-frames: 0
23:37:21.877: [FFMPEG VAAPI encoder: 'streaming_h264'] Failed to init HW frames context: Ne peut allouer de la mémoire
23:37:21.882: Stream output type 'rtmp_output' failed to start!

I'm using an AMD R9 270X with a radeon driver on Linux Mint 20.1 and OBS 26.1.1. If anyone has an idea of how to fix that, I'll be glad!
Thank you!