hello everyone, these days I am carrying out an idea... to make a console to manage OBS, as you can see in the image I have red buttons to go live a scene, I have yellow buttons to put a scene in preview, I have blue buttons to control the replay, white buttons to mute audio inputs and black buttons that are for transition. I'm using an Arduino and I programmed it as a keyboard, to execute key combinations and thus be able to activate and deactivate scenes.... but, as you will see, I have LEDs that I would like to turn on as feedback from OBS. For this, I am trying to program a python Lua file, I was able to establish a serial communication with my arduino, but I don't know how to do the rest. yes can you guide me please. I am using obs.obs_properties_add_list to be able to display a listbox for each button and thus be able to choose the action for that button.