Feature suggestion: Better color correction tools


I am novice user so it may be I did not get it yet, but I am bit surprised with color correction ability of OBS.

Al i could find is using HUE to change color of the source. I do not see it as very usable.

My first suggestion is to allow user to manually set color correction by adjusting R, G and B channels separately. That would provide much finer means to fix coloring issues.

Second suggestion is to allow somewhat automatic color correction against known color. For example, user may point pixel on image that should be pure white and pixel that should be pure black (or grey). Auto-correction could is that to calculate color corrections to make those two pixels actually white and black.

In old times, when i worked in TV studio, that is how we handled colors for the cameras. We simply show white board to the camera and do white balancing. If we do the same with all camaras we got pretty reasonable color matching for all cameras.

Third suggestion is to allow using other source for color matching. For example, it is not common to have two web cameras showing the same scene from different angles. If two cameras are from different makers it is almost certain that they would not match the same coloring. it would be great if use can point pixel in one source and pixel in another source and let auto-correction to adjust colors to get two pixels to the same color. it is common to use pure white or pure gray surface for such correction.

When i mentioned grey, user could have color calibration board (or at least grey board). If he shows that board on camera and then pinpoint white, black and 50% grey) it could allow auto-correct not only to fix coloring but also brightness and contrast ro other parameters.