Good morning everyone :)
I've been suggested for your software due my needs, I hope I can contribute in development suggesting something important, that I can't find in any other recorder available:
1) Support line command, like pogram.exe /record , and program.exe /stop. I know OBS has --startrecording but how to stop it? Killing the thread doesn't seem a smart option..
2) show in tray the recording or stop. I Think OBS does show the record, is it possible to implement the stop icon as well?
3) save file with date:time format as name. Ok I've been adviced it does.
Would be nice to see also:
- Vu-meter in tray, showing clip
- Adjust automatically the record volume basing on recent average volume. It's very useful when we record an environment that time after time may shift from a quiet place into noise one. Giving the chance to adjust slowly and continiously the mixer's record slider give us the chance to record for hours keeping a good dynamic (and accuracy) in our wave file. We may use some parameters, so everyone can chose its best values: time of calculation average value, maximum level for the average (to leave enough margin for the expected peak)
- Save directly in .aac format. I think this is already implemented
Thank you a lot! I'm going to install OBS :)
I've been suggested for your software due my needs, I hope I can contribute in development suggesting something important, that I can't find in any other recorder available:
1) Support line command, like pogram.exe /record , and program.exe /stop. I know OBS has --startrecording but how to stop it? Killing the thread doesn't seem a smart option..
2) show in tray the recording or stop. I Think OBS does show the record, is it possible to implement the stop icon as well?
3) save file with date:time format as name. Ok I've been adviced it does.
Would be nice to see also:
- Vu-meter in tray, showing clip
- Adjust automatically the record volume basing on recent average volume. It's very useful when we record an environment that time after time may shift from a quiet place into noise one. Giving the chance to adjust slowly and continiously the mixer's record slider give us the chance to record for hours keeping a good dynamic (and accuracy) in our wave file. We may use some parameters, so everyone can chose its best values: time of calculation average value, maximum level for the average (to leave enough margin for the expected peak)
- Save directly in .aac format. I think this is already implemented
Thank you a lot! I'm going to install OBS :)