[Feature Request] Selectable Browser Cores


New Member
Hey everyone,

Here's the premise:
Browsers are incredibly complex pieces of software with a lot of moving parts that are regularly updated, removed or broken between version updates.
I recently ran into a problem where one browsersource just would not work; turns out that this functionality broke in the latest version of chromium/chrome.

After learning that OBS utilized chromium/chrome as the core of BrowserSource there were really only 2 options I had to get it working:
- Go back to OBS 18 or OBS 19 to fix the problem (not desireable)
- Wait for the bug to be fixed and incorporated in a new version of OBS (no ETA)

As it turns out this problem did not occur in Firefox and I found myself wanting to be able to select a different version of chromium/chrome or Firefox to fix this problem.

I feel that selectable browser cores would help the OBS project in a few ways:
- More flexibility in setting up sources
- More ways to troubleshoot and fix problems with browsersource
- Decrease dependencies on one particular type of browser
- Futureproofing (who knows if Chrome will always stay on top)

Due to the complexity of adding such a feature I'm not expecting it to be incorporated anytime soon but I figured I'd try and get the discussion going on the pros and cons of adding said feature.


1st question would be "Can one embed Firefox like Chrome?" I do recall seeing a couple of apps built on Firefox/Mozilla Suite/XUL, but I haven't seen anything since... and that was about a decade ago. So i guess the real question is "What other browsers are (easily) embed-able?"

2nd Question is 'Would it be worthwhile to make the OBS download MUCH bigger?" (Most of the download size is the embedded Chrome, so Firefox would just make it worse). Jim hates the download being as big as it is, I don't think adding another 30+MiB would grace his favor.

3rd Question would be "Would it be worthwhile to use the local browser (i.e. IE or Edge or Windows, Safari for MacOS, and Linux would get the shaft again) as an option?" (Getting around the download size issue, and the answer is no.) IE/Edge sucks and Safari is the same Webkit that Chrome is based on, so that's a lot of work for crap browsers.


New Member
I think OBS should still come with embedded chrome standard since it works great for most things, local browser seems iffy to me as well.

If Firefox can be embedded it would probably be a better idea to not bundle it with OBS but have it as an optional download/plugin/resource on the main site or here on the forums. This would also fix the download size issue.

I guess the first step would be to research if Firefox or other browsers can be embedded at all.


Active Member
OBS comes with embedded chromium included when you use the full installer.

But I don't really see the point of embedding another browser.