Question / Help Feature by feature comparison for OBS to OBS Studio?


Is there a place where we can see a list of OBS Studio features side-by-side with OBS features? I'd like to be able to take a look and know when it's a good time to switch.

There are a lot of features in OBS and converting an rewriting those features in OBS Studio is a substantial task; something most groups never do early enough. Because of this, I know OBS Studio, while having a lot of new features, is still lacking some old OBS features like scrolling text, profile switching, correct video gamma, encoding preview, etc. It'd be nice to see those listed side-by-side on the site so I know which OBS features have made it into the latest OBS Studio.


Community Helper
Such a list would be sort of annoying to keep updated, since the list is shrinking all the time. If it's in OBS, it is planned for Studio. You've basically just made the list of missing features right there. A couple you missed are QSV/NVENC, Noise Gate, and image slideshow, but that's basically it.

I believe gamma correction is already included in the color correction filter, at least.