failure obs


New Member
please help me to find the problem of OBS turning off, after about 3/4 hours OBS completely crashes


  • 2025-01-02 18-45-24.txt
    108.5 KB · Views: 6


Active Member
Your GPU / GPU driver is resetting causing the encoder to fail.
Do a clean install of the driver and test it again:

Unfortunately if the driver / GPU resets, any encode sessions become invalid. You should investigate what is causing the resets as under normal operation a GPU should not need to be reset. HAGS, old drivers, other 3D applications, overheating, faulty hardware, etc.

From your log:
18:48:48.952: [obs-nvenc] get_encoded_packet: nv.nvEncLockBitstream(s, &lock) failed: 4 (NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_DEVICE): Device passed to the API is invalid.
18:48:48.952: Error encoding with encoder 'simple_video_stream'
18:48:48.953: Device Remove/Reset!  Rebuilding all assets...
18:48:48.965: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Encoder error, disconnecting
This "Device Remove/Reset!)" is a notice your graphics driver crashed and was reset. Afterwards, all kind of graphics operations are invalid and usually apps using GPU resources have to be restarted or the PC needs a reboot.

It's either a GPU driver or GPU hardware issue. If you reinstalled the most current driver and the issue persists, it's most certainly a hardware error. Revert overclocking, check overheating, check cabling and power supply. If it really persists, your GPU hardware or motherboard may be defective.


New Member
hey, thanks for your answer. I did everything exactly as described, unfortunately today it crashed again


  • 2025-01-03 09-51-55.txt
    98.2 KB · Views: 3


Active Member
Please provide the crash report.
The log file is useful but on the crash report you can see where it crashed.
If there's no crash report, then the issue is outside OBS. If the issue persist with a clean install of the GPU driver the problem may be on the GPU itself (hardware)
You need to check all what R1CH pointed. Make sure the PCI socket isn't broken by the weight of the GPU, or the GPU connector.

Disable HAGS as suggested by R1CH, enable Windows Game Mode which actually helps.
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New Member
computer format done, everything reinstalled and unfortunately after 2 hours another failure, I don't know what to do anymore


  • Crash 2025-01-03 13-06-55.txt
    150 KB · Views: 3
  • 2025-01-03 18-11-46.txt
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Active Member
The crash report shows a crash on a browser source or custom dock. As you don't have any browser source, remove the custom dock that caused the crash.

Anyway, you still didn't disable HAGS

And you should check the GPU itself.
20:43:42.878: [obs-nvenc] get_encoded_packet: nv.nvEncLockBitstream(s, &lock) failed: 4 (NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_DEVICE): Device passed to the API is invalid.
20:43:42.878: Error encoding with encoder 'advanced_video_stream'