Failed to create aac streaming encoder (simple output)


I just tried to install OBS in Fedora 33. I had installed OBS 25 in the past and it worked fairly well. When I saw the new version 26 decided to give it a try. I uninstalled the old OBS and installed the new version. Now I get the following errors.
info: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
error: Encoder ID 'obs_x264' not found
error: Failed to get properties for encoder '' (ffmpeg_aac)
error: Could not enumerate any AAC encoder bitrates
error: Failed to create aac streaming encoder (simple output)

accompanied by a pop-up window stating
Failed to create aac streaming encoder (simple output)
I like obs but this error is causing significant problems.

Since it never starts, I haven't seen any logs, unless they are in a different location.