Failed to connect to the streaming server. Please check your internet connection.


New Member

I need help. I am new to this platform and I am getting this error when I am just trying to set up OBS 30.2.3 for the first time. I checked my firewalls and I checked my internet connect and I even hard wired my connection as well and I am still running into the same problem. My goal is to use the software to stream on Youtube. Here is the error message that I am running into no matter how many Youtube videos I watch to try to resolve my issue.

Failed to connect to the streaming server. Please check your internet connection.​



Active Member
Have you read the getting started help sections here?
Some of these might help you as you get started (if you are more into reading than watching questionable value youtube videos) Online Resources
The Unofficial Guide to Open Broadcaster Software
The OBS Superuser Guidebook
The Basics of Live Streaming

In you case, the most likely issues are
1. you have NOT configured OBS Studio with the right streaming settings (for YouTube in this case). I personally don't like to use auto-config, but that is probably where you should start. As well as looking up YouTube's streaming settings article (lists the recommended and required protocols, resolutions, bitrates, etc. settings)

2. Then, you need to check your network. Starting with your Operating System (firewall, security software, etc), then LAN, then you WAN/ISP (some places/ISPs may block certain traffic)