New Member
Hi there,
Can some one please help me with fail to connect to server issue when i click start streaming only using my mobile data?
Streaming works fine when i am connected with broadband but when i connect to the mobile data "iPhoneX" with Macbook Pro i get fail to connect to server.
The reason i want to use my mobile data because upload of my broadband is 0.8mpbs where my phone is 3.0mpbs.
Here is logs file.
This is when connected with broadband.
6:34:55.050: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
16:35:05.338: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
16:35:05.338: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file '/Users/babar/Movies/2018-03-20 16-35-05.flv'...
16:35:07.954: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] User stopped the stream
16:35:07.954: Output 'adv_stream': stopping
16:35:07.954: Output 'adv_stream': Total frames output: 359
16:35:07.954: Output 'adv_stream': Total drawn frames: 425
16:35:07.955: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
16:35:07.992: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file '/Users/babar/Movies/2018-03-20 16-35-05.flv' stopped
16:35:07.992: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
16:35:07.992: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1
16:35:07.992: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 80
16:35:07.999: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
16:36:15.719: ---------------------------------
16:36:15.719: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] preset: veryfast
16:36:15.719: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
16:36:15.719: rate_control: CBR
16:36:15.719: bitrate: 500
16:36:15.719: buffer size: 500
16:36:15.719: crf: 0
16:36:15.719: fps_num: 30
16:36:15.719: fps_den: 1
16:36:15.719: width: 1024
16:36:15.719: height: 576
16:36:15.719: keyint: 60
16:36:15.726: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
16:36:15.726: mode: HE-AAC
16:36:15.726: bitrate: 64
16:36:15.726: sample rate: 44100
16:36:15.726: cbr: on
16:36:15.726: output buffer: 1536
Below is when connected to mobile
16:36:15.727: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
16:36:45.820: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
16:36:45.820: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
16:36:45.821: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
Can some one please help me with fail to connect to server issue when i click start streaming only using my mobile data?
Streaming works fine when i am connected with broadband but when i connect to the mobile data "iPhoneX" with Macbook Pro i get fail to connect to server.
The reason i want to use my mobile data because upload of my broadband is 0.8mpbs where my phone is 3.0mpbs.
Here is logs file.
This is when connected with broadband.
6:34:55.050: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
16:35:05.338: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
16:35:05.338: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file '/Users/babar/Movies/2018-03-20 16-35-05.flv'...
16:35:07.954: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] User stopped the stream
16:35:07.954: Output 'adv_stream': stopping
16:35:07.954: Output 'adv_stream': Total frames output: 359
16:35:07.954: Output 'adv_stream': Total drawn frames: 425
16:35:07.955: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
16:35:07.992: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file '/Users/babar/Movies/2018-03-20 16-35-05.flv' stopped
16:35:07.992: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
16:35:07.992: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 1
16:35:07.992: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 80
16:35:07.999: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
16:36:15.719: ---------------------------------
16:36:15.719: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] preset: veryfast
16:36:15.719: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
16:36:15.719: rate_control: CBR
16:36:15.719: bitrate: 500
16:36:15.719: buffer size: 500
16:36:15.719: crf: 0
16:36:15.719: fps_num: 30
16:36:15.719: fps_den: 1
16:36:15.719: width: 1024
16:36:15.719: height: 576
16:36:15.719: keyint: 60
16:36:15.726: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
16:36:15.726: mode: HE-AAC
16:36:15.726: bitrate: 64
16:36:15.726: sample rate: 44100
16:36:15.726: cbr: on
16:36:15.726: output buffer: 1536
Below is when connected to mobile
16:36:15.727: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
16:36:45.820: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
16:36:45.820: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
16:36:45.821: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================