Fade Source In/Out


Hello Everyone: First of all, I am new to OBS, and I am in the process of configuring and implementing live streaming for a local church. I am testing on a Windows 10 system but I will be implementing OBS on an iMac. I am looking for advice on how to fade a source in and out of a scene. Here is the situation and what I have tried so far.

I will have a camera source that is used for several purposes - it is a church service where the camera is showing the chancel, but any of several activities could be taking place e.g. Prelude, Announcements, Community Time, etc (there are 11 different activities). And for each of these activities, I would like to display the appropriate title on the bottom of the screen. So I have created 11 title source images - a transparent image, except for the text of the title - and included them with the camera source, but all initially hidden. Then when a particular activity is taking place, I display the title image by clicking the eye icon in the source list to unhide it. And when the activity ends, I hide the title, again by clicking the source eye.

This works OK in testing, but instead of the cut effect of the titles just appearing/disappearing when I unhide/hide them, I would like to fade them in and out. Using the Move Transition plugin and the technique described in this tutorial I can achieve this, and by associating the filters with hotkeys (1 each for fade in and fade out), it works well with a single title. My problem is to scale this up to 11 titles, which would be 22 hotkeys, and which I think would be awkward on a Mac keyboard.

Anyway, that's what I am trying to do - I would appreciate comments or suggestions on different (easier!) approaches.

Cheers. . .

Tony N.


New Member
Whups... never mind. I found them. :)

Oddly, the Show transition is happening much faster than the Fade.