Facebook Live problems

Terry D

New Member
We have been streaming worship services for weeks using OBS and Facebook Live with no problems. We have a very fast internet connection and computer. The computers only use is for streaming and it is totally up to date and clear of any malware. Starting last week, when we try to start our stream, Facebook Live immediately begins buffering and in a very short time freezes completely.
I have deleted OBS from the computer and reloaded a new copy but that has not made any difference. Any suggestions someone may have would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
We even bought a new PC last summer, also dedicated to OBS/live stream. The FB live issue we have is that FB appears to have changed (without notice or documentation) how Scheduled Live Events work. The auto-starting of a Schedule Live stream hasn't work last couple of weeks... urgh
With that said, my bitrate has been at 4500kpbs and once connected, we don't have any issues (knock on wood). Prior workstation computer did, but I suspect corporate security s/w related

Are you using Facebook Live Producer? Are you having video issues there?
Are you SURE (not think, know) NOTHIGN else using Internet while you are streaming? is priest/rector/whomever connected to house Wi-Fi, or are office PCs left on/connected, etc?
ie- make sure you don't have an unexpected bandwidth consumption issue (or outright physical circuit problem as can happen, more often in inclement weather, especially older DSL lines)