Ken Holden
New Member
I'm getting the 10054 Error when trying to connect to Facebook, using Windows 10 with Nvidia Quadro 600.
12:14:26.742: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
12:14:26.743: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
12:14:26.743: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
Log is attached. Anyone know what the problem might be?
12:12:26.516: CPU Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31225 @ 3.10GHz
12:12:26.516: CPU Speed: 3093MHz
12:12:26.516: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
12:12:26.516: Physical Memory: 2047MB Total, 1045MB Free (NOTE: 2 or 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)
12:12:26.516: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 10586 (revision: 589; 64-bit)
12:12:26.516: Running as administrator: true
12:12:26.516: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
12:12:26.516: Portable mode: false
12:12:26.555: OBS 0.16.5 (windows)
12:12:26.555: ---------------------------------
12:12:26.556: ---------------------------------
12:12:26.556: audio settings reset:
12:12:26.556: samples per sec: 44100
12:12:26.556: speakers: 2
12:12:26.649: ---------------------------------
12:12:26.649: Initializing D3D11..
12:12:26.649: Available Video Adapters:
12:12:26.651: Adapter 1: NVIDIA Quadro 600
12:12:26.651: Dedicated VRAM: 1018712064
12:12:26.651: Shared VRAM: 2124883968
12:12:26.651: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1440, 900}, attached=true
12:12:26.651: output 2: pos={1440, 0}, size={1440, 900}, attached=true
12:12:26.659: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA Quadro 600 (0)
12:12:27.508: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
12:12:28.109: ---------------------------------
12:12:28.109: video settings reset:
12:12:28.109: base resolution: 1440x900
12:12:28.109: output resolution: 1152x720
12:12:28.109: downscale filter: Bicubic
12:12:28.109: fps: 30/1
12:12:28.109: format: NV12
12:12:28.111: ---------------------------------
12:12:28.521: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
12:12:28.592: [AMF Encoder] Version
12:12:28.595: [AMF Encoder] Unable to load 'amfrt32.dll', error code 126.
12:12:29.404: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:12:29.447: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:12:29.526: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:12:29.618: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
12:12:29.618: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.25.0']
12:12:29.686: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI.dll': The specified module could not be found.
12:12:29.686: (126)
12:12:30.695: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
12:12:31.384: No blackmagic support
12:12:32.113: ---------------------------------
12:12:32.113: Loaded Modules:
12:12:32.113: win-wasapi.dll
12:12:32.113: win-mf.dll
12:12:32.113: win-dshow.dll
12:12:32.113: win-decklink.dll
12:12:32.113: win-capture.dll
12:12:32.113: vlc-video.dll
12:12:32.113: text-freetype2.dll
12:12:32.113: rtmp-services.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-x264.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-transitions.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-text.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-qsv11.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-outputs.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-filters.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-ffmpeg.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-browser.dll
12:12:32.113: image-source.dll
12:12:32.113: frontend-tools.dll
12:12:32.113: enc-amf.dll
12:12:32.113: coreaudio-encoder.dll
12:12:32.113: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
12:12:32.126: All scene data cleared
12:12:32.126: ------------------------------------------------
12:12:32.157: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
12:12:32.168: Switched to scene 'Live Polling'
12:12:32.168: ------------------------------------------------
12:12:32.168: Loaded scenes:
12:12:32.168: - scene 'Live Polling':
12:12:32.168: - source: 'BrowserSource' (browser_source)
12:12:32.168: ------------------------------------------------
12:12:32.185: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds
12:12:32.575: Update check: last known remote version is 0.16.5
12:12:36.605: ---------------------------------
12:12:36.605: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] preset: veryfast
12:12:36.605: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] profile: main
12:12:36.605: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
12:12:36.605: rate_control: CBR
12:12:36.605: bitrate: 2500
12:12:36.605: buffer size: 2500
12:12:36.605: crf: 0
12:12:36.605: fps_num: 30
12:12:36.605: fps_den: 1
12:12:36.605: width: 1152
12:12:36.605: height: 720
12:12:36.605: keyint: 60
12:12:36.605: vfr: off
12:12:36.630: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
12:12:36.630: mode: AAC
12:12:36.630: bitrate: 128
12:12:36.630: sample rate: 44100
12:12:36.630: cbr: on
12:12:36.630: output buffer: 1536
12:12:36.630: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
12:12:36.630: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Binding to IP
12:12:36.706: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (ethernet, 100 mbps)
12:12:36.823: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
12:12:36.823: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
12:12:36.823: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
12:12:36.823: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
12:12:53.798: User Removed source 'BrowserSource' (browser_source) from scene 'Live Polling'
12:12:55.965: User switched to scene '(null)'
12:12:55.965: User Removed scene 'Live Polling'
12:12:58.238: User added scene 'Scene 1'
12:12:58.238: User switched to scene 'Scene 1'
12:13:09.007: User added source 'BrowserSource' (browser_source) to scene 'Scene 1'
12:14:04.086: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
12:14:22.825: Settings changed (stream 1)
12:14:22.825: ------------------------------------------------
12:14:26.574: ---------------------------------
12:14:26.574: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
12:14:26.574: rate_control: CBR
12:14:26.574: bitrate: 2500
12:14:26.574: buffer size: 2500
12:14:26.574: crf: 0
12:14:26.574: fps_num: 30
12:14:26.574: fps_den: 1
12:14:26.574: width: 1152
12:14:26.574: height: 720
12:14:26.574: keyint: 60
12:14:26.574: vfr: off
12:14:26.589: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
12:14:26.589: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Binding to IP
12:14:26.625: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (ethernet, 100 mbps)
12:14:26.742: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
12:14:26.743: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
12:14:26.743: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
12:14:26.743: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
12:14:26.742: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
12:14:26.743: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
12:14:26.743: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
Log is attached. Anyone know what the problem might be?
12:12:26.516: CPU Name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31225 @ 3.10GHz
12:12:26.516: CPU Speed: 3093MHz
12:12:26.516: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
12:12:26.516: Physical Memory: 2047MB Total, 1045MB Free (NOTE: 2 or 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)
12:12:26.516: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 10586 (revision: 589; 64-bit)
12:12:26.516: Running as administrator: true
12:12:26.516: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
12:12:26.516: Portable mode: false
12:12:26.555: OBS 0.16.5 (windows)
12:12:26.555: ---------------------------------
12:12:26.556: ---------------------------------
12:12:26.556: audio settings reset:
12:12:26.556: samples per sec: 44100
12:12:26.556: speakers: 2
12:12:26.649: ---------------------------------
12:12:26.649: Initializing D3D11..
12:12:26.649: Available Video Adapters:
12:12:26.651: Adapter 1: NVIDIA Quadro 600
12:12:26.651: Dedicated VRAM: 1018712064
12:12:26.651: Shared VRAM: 2124883968
12:12:26.651: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1440, 900}, attached=true
12:12:26.651: output 2: pos={1440, 0}, size={1440, 900}, attached=true
12:12:26.659: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA Quadro 600 (0)
12:12:27.508: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
12:12:28.109: ---------------------------------
12:12:28.109: video settings reset:
12:12:28.109: base resolution: 1440x900
12:12:28.109: output resolution: 1152x720
12:12:28.109: downscale filter: Bicubic
12:12:28.109: fps: 30/1
12:12:28.109: format: NV12
12:12:28.111: ---------------------------------
12:12:28.521: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
12:12:28.592: [AMF Encoder] Version
12:12:28.595: [AMF Encoder] Unable to load 'amfrt32.dll', error code 126.
12:12:29.404: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:12:29.447: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:12:29.526: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:12:29.618: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
12:12:29.618: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.25.0']
12:12:29.686: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI.dll': The specified module could not be found.
12:12:29.686: (126)
12:12:30.695: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
12:12:31.384: No blackmagic support
12:12:32.113: ---------------------------------
12:12:32.113: Loaded Modules:
12:12:32.113: win-wasapi.dll
12:12:32.113: win-mf.dll
12:12:32.113: win-dshow.dll
12:12:32.113: win-decklink.dll
12:12:32.113: win-capture.dll
12:12:32.113: vlc-video.dll
12:12:32.113: text-freetype2.dll
12:12:32.113: rtmp-services.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-x264.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-transitions.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-text.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-qsv11.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-outputs.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-filters.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-ffmpeg.dll
12:12:32.113: obs-browser.dll
12:12:32.113: image-source.dll
12:12:32.113: frontend-tools.dll
12:12:32.113: enc-amf.dll
12:12:32.113: coreaudio-encoder.dll
12:12:32.113: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
12:12:32.126: All scene data cleared
12:12:32.126: ------------------------------------------------
12:12:32.157: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
12:12:32.168: Switched to scene 'Live Polling'
12:12:32.168: ------------------------------------------------
12:12:32.168: Loaded scenes:
12:12:32.168: - scene 'Live Polling':
12:12:32.168: - source: 'BrowserSource' (browser_source)
12:12:32.168: ------------------------------------------------
12:12:32.185: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds
12:12:32.575: Update check: last known remote version is 0.16.5
12:12:36.605: ---------------------------------
12:12:36.605: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] preset: veryfast
12:12:36.605: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] profile: main
12:12:36.605: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
12:12:36.605: rate_control: CBR
12:12:36.605: bitrate: 2500
12:12:36.605: buffer size: 2500
12:12:36.605: crf: 0
12:12:36.605: fps_num: 30
12:12:36.605: fps_den: 1
12:12:36.605: width: 1152
12:12:36.605: height: 720
12:12:36.605: keyint: 60
12:12:36.605: vfr: off
12:12:36.630: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
12:12:36.630: mode: AAC
12:12:36.630: bitrate: 128
12:12:36.630: sample rate: 44100
12:12:36.630: cbr: on
12:12:36.630: output buffer: 1536
12:12:36.630: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
12:12:36.630: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Binding to IP
12:12:36.706: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (ethernet, 100 mbps)
12:12:36.823: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
12:12:36.823: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
12:12:36.823: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
12:12:36.823: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
12:12:53.798: User Removed source 'BrowserSource' (browser_source) from scene 'Live Polling'
12:12:55.965: User switched to scene '(null)'
12:12:55.965: User Removed scene 'Live Polling'
12:12:58.238: User added scene 'Scene 1'
12:12:58.238: User switched to scene 'Scene 1'
12:13:09.007: User added source 'BrowserSource' (browser_source) to scene 'Scene 1'
12:14:04.086: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
12:14:22.825: Settings changed (stream 1)
12:14:22.825: ------------------------------------------------
12:14:26.574: ---------------------------------
12:14:26.574: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
12:14:26.574: rate_control: CBR
12:14:26.574: bitrate: 2500
12:14:26.574: buffer size: 2500
12:14:26.574: crf: 0
12:14:26.574: fps_num: 30
12:14:26.574: fps_den: 1
12:14:26.574: width: 1152
12:14:26.574: height: 720
12:14:26.574: keyint: 60
12:14:26.574: vfr: off
12:14:26.589: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
12:14:26.589: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Binding to IP
12:14:26.625: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (ethernet, 100 mbps)
12:14:26.742: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
12:14:26.743: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
12:14:26.743: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// failed: -2
12:14:26.743: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================