Question / Help Extreme frame drops while recording


New Member
Howdy. I’m trying to record some emulated N64 games with OBS. I’ve used it before and understand it, yet when I try it on my specific MacBook (Early 2015) it records at a very low framerate, and the preview shows the game at a low framerate too. I’m using the latest OS, Catalina. I’ve never had this problem before, please help.


New Member
Include a log file if you have a problem: here's how

MacBooks in general aren't great for running OBS; the older they are, the worse they are; there are many problems running OBS on Catalina.

macOS 10.15 Catalina Support Status
Damn, that’s a shame. I could’ve sworn it ran just fine on the same computer before. I like OBS because it’s so easy to use, especially with multiple audio devices and separate audio tracks, sucks to see I suddenly can’t run it.


Active Member
If you post a log I can comment in more specific detail about the issue you might be having.