Exact library versions linked against in main build


Is there any reference as to which exact versions of libraries are linked against in the main (official and public) release of OBS?

I just ask because there's a "mod", for lack of a better word, that I'm currently keeping up to date as OBS progresses that myself and some friends/collaborators I record with use (this, for reference — it simply enlarges the time and CPU usage, and makes it easier to visually see whether streaming or recording is active). If I knew which exact versions are linked against, I should just be able to compile a drop-in replacement of obs32.exe and/or obs64.exe.

As it is now, I have to give them the entire build, since I link against the newest versions of any applicable libraries that work. It's not a massive problem, but it would make distributing it to them a lot easier.


Ah, there's no accounting for human stupidity. I knew they existed,l, but it hadn't occurred to me they would be what the official releases are linked against.

Are they definitely up to date with the official builds, though? I only ask because I know at some point between 0.13.x and 0.15.2 there were issues with the NVENC encoder that required a new build of ffmpeg that I believe has been fixed in the official builds, but those dependencies are far too old for that to be the case.