Question / Help Error


New Member
I tried to start OBS MP and this error occurred, I retried maybe 10 times and it still occurred, so I copied what it told me to copy and I pasted it here, hope you could help me...

Unhandled exception: c0000005
Fault address: 0 ((null))
libobs version: 0.12.3
Windows version: 6.1 build 7601 (revision 18409)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz

Thing is that the Error Log was too long to be posted here, so I'm gonna upload it instead of copy-pasting.


  • Crash 2016-01-17 18-29-06.txt
    50.5 KB · Views: 65
Quick thing to try to see if your configuration is related to the problem. In Windows go to Start, Run and type %appdata%. This should open a window in explorer, scroll down until you find a directory called obs-studio, right click the directory, choose Rename and call it obs-studio-old. Try starting OBS again and let us know what happens.


New Member
Before you answering me, I tried once again and it worked, so no further help is needed!

Thank you,


New Member
Hi Gincal, yea it was same to me, i tried 3 time they gave me same message. i succeed using Long Path Tool. it worked for me, you can of luck