Error message on startup


New Member
Every time I start OBS, I get the message that the previous session was not closed properly. (With the request whether to start in safe mode)
I can start normally without any further problems. However, the question is a bit annoying after a few weeks.

Even starting in safe mode and then restarting does not change this issue.
Is there an option to disable this question completely?


Active Member
There is, on the command line, but why is it doing that in the first place? Are you killing it some non-standard way? Is it crashing? Does one of your plugins have a bug in it?


New Member
I really don't know. I haven't activated any extra plugins or anything like that. I usually just shut down the computer without explicitly closing OBS first. But that shouldn't lead to such errors in my eyes. Nothing crashes. It just runs all day without any problems


Active Member
I usually just shut down the computer without explicitly closing OBS first. But that shouldn't lead to such errors in my eyes.
It might, actually.

There are a bunch of different signals that can be sent to a running process. Most are handled by the app itself, with whatever response the app is programmed for, if any. Some tell the operating system to "just do something" with that app, regardless of what the app thinks about it.

I would imagine that the normal OS shutdown would be to send a "please close gracefully" signal to every app, give them some time to do that, and then force-close the ones that haven't yet. Essentially just yank the power cord on them. If OBS takes longer than that time, or doesn't recognize the nice signal, that could easily produce what you see.


New Member

I've the exact same issue. I already tried to uninstall plugins/extensions one by one but cannot find the plugin, that causes the error. I'm always exiting OBS after I stop all streams or records via "Close-Button" at the Control Panel. But I also tried the X on top right or closing it via menu. I always wait 30 Seconds after closing OBS before shutting down windows. I think the crash detection has an error in some situations. It would help to have a debug output for the shutdown process. There is always a file named "safe_mode" in `C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio` - I also tried to remove this file, but this does not change the behavior. It's really annoying, because OBS will not start automatically after windows starts, because of this dialog.