Error building win-capture: redefinition of _SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION in nt-stuff.h

Paul Jan

New Member
I'm trying to do a new build so I can try my hand at plug-ins, and I'm off to a rocky start...

Like the title says, I'm getting a build error, _SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION is already defined in my winternl.h .

I've tried refactoring to _SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION2, but then FortNite's BattlEye anti-cheat system disables the win-capture dll.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
The fact that you can't capture fortnite doesn't have anything to do with that type. You won't be able to capture fortnite or any game that has an anti-cheat when you build a custom game capture hook. Anti-cheat whitelisting requires a digital signature, otherwise it will be blocked.