Question / Help Error at starting OBS on Arch


New Member
I tried to open OBS on LinuxArch (MATE Desktop), but i'm getting the following error:

Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/locale/en-US.ini
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/locale/en-US.ini
Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/locale.ini
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/locale.ini
Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/locale/de-DE.ini
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/locale/de-DE.ini
info: Using preferred locale 'de-DE'
Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/themes/Default.qss
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/themes/Default.qss
Attempted path: share/obs/obs-studio/license/gplv2.txt
Attempted path: /usr/share/obs/obs-studio/license/gplv2.txt
info: OBS 0.9.1-18-g35a4ace (linux)
info: Processor: 2 logical cores
info: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          4400  @ 2.00GHz
info: Physical Memory: 2005MB Total
info: Kernel Version: Linux 3.19.2-1-ARCH
info: Distribution: "Arch Linux" Unknown
info: audio settings reset:
    samples per sec: 44100
    speakers:        2
    buffering (ms):  1000

info: X and Y: 902 470
Backbuffers: 2
Color Format: 3
ZStencil Format: 0
Adapter: 0


  • obs-error.txt
    1 KB · Views: 33


Active Member
Judging by the ancient CPU, you probably also have an ancient GPU, one that does not support OpenGL 3.2, which is needed for obs.

What is the output of "glxinfo | grep OpenGL"?