Question / Help Encoding question when using external hardware encoders.


New Member
I've noticed that when I'm using my Hauppauge HD PVR 2, the "crispness" is not as sharp as it is using the native software, which makes text very difficult, if not impossible to read, and the overall picture quality isn't very good, although there are 0 artifacts. However, my webcam layered on top of the Hauppauge is crisp and clear.

I did a bit of research on the forums for OBS MP, but it appears the input resolution is automatically selected to whatever is output by the videocard, so I'm ruling out resolution for the time being until I can investigate further.

My question is this:
When using external hardware encoders, are they re-encoded for recording/streaming in OBS? Or is it somehow slapped together with the other visual elements such that the hardware encoded video doesn't have to be re-encoded?

I honestly don't know how OBS treats hardware encoder video feeds. I love to learn, so feel free to be as detailed or high-level as you wish. I can't promise I'll understand, but I'll certainly try. :)

Thanks ahead of time for taking the time to look into this and respond!



It was said in another thread (first brought up by TheBenCrazy, confirmed by myself as well) that for whatever reason, OBS defaults the HD PVR 2's resolution to 720x480 ( neither of us know if thats working as intended, or a bug or what, as the thread got buried before getting any sort of answer.

as far as the other stuff, the HD PRV 2 is actually just acting as a passthrough, as far as i can tell. OBS connects to it via direct show i believe and pretty much has it act like a webcam would. Don't quote me on that though, I just go by what i see, i'm not a dev or official in any capacity