Question / Help Encoding Overloaded - Severe Stream Lag


New Member

I have been using OBS-Studio-0.15.2 for about 4 months with no major issues and then upgraded to OBS-Studio-0.16.1. People watching the stream reported audio lag. I upgraded to OBS-Studio-0.16.2 yesterday evening and since the update, the lag in the stream is even more severe.

Lots of skipped frames.

I noticed an Encoding Overloaded! message at the bottom of the program window..

Full log attached.

Here's most of my log file:

07:47:07.240: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz
07:47:07.241: CPU Speed: 1796MHz
07:47:07.241: Physical Cores: 2, Logical Cores: 4
07:47:07.241: Physical Memory: 4095MB Total, 2504MB Free (NOTE: 2 or 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)
07:47:07.241: Windows Version: 6.2 Build 9200 (revision: 16859; 64-bit)
07:47:07.242: Running as administrator: false
07:47:07.242: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
07:47:07.311: OBS 0.16.2 (windows)
07:47:07.311: ---------------------------------
07:47:07.314: ---------------------------------
07:47:07.314: audio settings reset:
07:47:07.314: samples per sec: 44100
07:47:07.314: speakers: 2
07:47:07.320: ---------------------------------
07:47:07.320: Initializing D3D11..
07:47:07.321: Available Video Adapters:
07:47:07.323: Adapter 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
07:47:07.323: Dedicated VRAM: 33554432
07:47:07.323: Shared VRAM: 1711276032
07:47:07.324: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1600, 900}, attached=true
07:47:07.339: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (0)
07:47:07.349: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
07:47:13.776: ---------------------------------
07:47:13.777: video settings reset:
07:47:13.777: base resolution: 1600x900
07:47:13.777: output resolution: 1280x720
07:47:13.777: downscale filter: Bicubic
07:47:13.777: fps: 30/1
07:47:13.777: format: NV12
07:47:13.780: ---------------------------------
07:47:13.845: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
07:47:13.871: [AMF Encoder] Version
07:47:13.871: [AMF Encoder] <Plugin::AMD::AMF::AMF> Initializing...
07:47:13.872: [AMF Encoder] <Plugin::AMD::AMF::AMF> Loading of 'amfrt32.dll' failed with error code 126.
07:47:13.918: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
07:47:13.920: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
07:47:13.923: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
07:47:13.925: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
07:47:13.925: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.25.0']
07:47:13.932: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI.dll': The specified module could not be found.
07:47:13.932: (126)
07:47:14.038: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/pdf.dll' not found, loading of module failed
07:47:14.063: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
07:47:14.405: No blackmagic support
07:47:14.598: ---------------------------------

07:47:16.622: Update check: last known remote version is 0.16.2
07:48:21.750: ---------------------------------
07:48:21.751: video settings reset:
07:48:21.751: base resolution: 1600x900
07:48:21.751: output resolution: 1280x720
07:48:21.751: downscale filter: Bicubic
07:48:21.751: fps: 30000/1001
07:48:21.751: format: NV12
07:48:21.801: Settings changed (stream 1, video)
07:48:21.801: ------------------------------------------------
07:48:50.756: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
07:48:53.263: ---------------------------------
07:48:53.264: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] preset: faster
07:48:53.264: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] profile: main
07:48:53.264: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] settings:
07:48:53.264: rate_control: CBR
07:48:53.264: bitrate: 2500
07:48:53.264: buffer size: 2500
07:48:53.264: crf: 0
07:48:53.264: fps_num: 30000
07:48:53.264: fps_den: 1001
07:48:53.264: width: 1280
07:48:53.264: height: 720
07:48:53.264: keyint: 119
07:48:53.264: vfr: off
07:48:53.304: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: settings:
07:48:53.304: mode: AAC
07:48:53.304: bitrate: 128
07:48:53.304: sample rate: 44100
07:48:53.304: cbr: on
07:48:53.304: output buffer: 1536
07:48:53.306: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
07:48:53.306: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Binding to IP
07:48:53.334: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Interface: ASIX AX88179 USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter #2 (ethernet, 100 mbps)
07:48:53.693: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// successful
07:48:53.708: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
07:49:29.182: User switched to scene 'Live Timing'
07:51:53.050: Last log entry repeated for 15701 more lines
07:51:53.050: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 92 milliseconds
08:01:19.385: Last log entry repeated for 64394 more lines
08:01:19.385: User switched to scene 'Pre'
08:01:43.544: Last log entry repeated for 5 more lines
08:01:43.558: Switched to Preview/Program mode
08:01:43.559: ------------------------------------------------
08:01:46.512: User switched to scene 'Pre'
08:01:46.523: Switched to regular Preview mode
08:01:46.524: ------------------------------------------------
08:02:08.452: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Stream shutdown timeout reached (30 second(s))
08:02:08.452: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] User stopped the stream
08:02:08.454: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
08:02:08.454: Output 'simple_stream': Total encoded frames: 4872
08:02:08.454: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 23830
08:02:08.454: Output 'simple_stream': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 23739 (487.3%)
08:02:08.455: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 7984 (33.5%)
08:02:08.472: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================


  • 2016-10-05 07-47-07.txt
    10.9 KB · Views: 8


New Member
  • The logs say your setup is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz with encoding settings: Faster CPU preset @ 720p30 @ 2500 kb/s. I am incredibly impressed this setup worked for you with version 0.15. Double check your settings are still the same (obs updates can change a few things around sometimes).
  • I am expecting that whilst streaming, if you open up the task manager, go to performance, right click graph and change graph to logical processors, all CPUs will be maxed out.
  • There are several things you can do to improve CPU usage:
  1. Change CPU preset to veryfast or higher, encoding will be less effecient, but with less cpu usage.
  2. Reduce stream FPS to 25 or 20, but understandably you may not want to do this, in that case...
  3. Switch encoder to Intel quicksync (if available), less effecient encoder, but will have almost no CPU impact.


New Member
I reinstalled 15.2yesterday and it didn't do anything. However, the YouTube stream seemed to work okay today.

YT issue?


New Member
  • The logs say your setup is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz with encoding settings: Faster CPU preset @ 720p30 @ 2500 kb/s. I am incredibly impressed this setup worked for you with version 0.15. Double check your settings are still the same (obs updates can change a few things around sometimes).
  • I am expecting that whilst streaming, if you open up the task manager, go to performance, right click graph and change graph to logical processors, all CPUs will be maxed out.
  • There are several things you can do to improve CPU usage:
  1. Change CPU preset to veryfast or higher, encoding will be less effecient, but with less cpu usage.
  2. Reduce stream FPS to 25 or 20, but understandably you may not want to do this, in that case...
  3. Switch encoder to Intel quicksync (if available), less effecient encoder, but will have almost no CPU impact.
Thanks Waistless! I'll give that a go and see what happens.



Like Waistless, Im very impressed too that you managed to use "faster' preset, are you sure that you used exactly this preset before?


New Member
Like Waistless, Im very impressed too that you managed to use "faster' preset, are you sure that you used exactly this preset before?

Yes Se1pher, this is exactly how I've been running it since I first installed. It's still running these same settings now... and it appears as though the stream has been running fine.

No clue.


New Member
The attached log file is from this morning's stream... no one reported any issues with lag.


  • 2016-10-06 04-48-34.txt
    24.2 KB · Views: 12


This log shows that you are using "veryfast" instead of "faster" and also VBR(not good for twitch) instead of CBR, so if you nerf 0.16.2 to this settings then may be you can achieve same results like on 0.15.2