Encoding overload with 1 USB camera on new Core i7


New Member
Hello, we have been trying to debug this problem for quite some time. This is a Windows 10 laptop with a 10th generation Core i7 processor, 12GB RAM. It's a fresh install of OBS with only 1 scene, 1 camera, 1 audio source. Nothing else running on the PC.

We are trying to stream 720p video using a PTZOptics USB camera but are getting "encoding overload" errors (in the log: "Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag ...") Other capture devices or webcams do not cause this issue on this PC.

We've tried the log analyzer, tried the suggestions we found there and elsewhere in these forums, but nothing seems to resolve the problem with this particular camera. We're desperate for some advice.

Thank you,


  • 2020-07-06 19-09-41.txt
    13.2 KB · Views: 21


Active Member
19:09:41.492: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz
That is an i7 in name only. It's an extreme-low-power part meant for maximum battery life, and while it is a quad core, cannot keep up with the demands of streaming 720p30 on x264 Veryfast while also decoding the incoming webcam video stream.
I would recommend to either try swapping to QSV encoding (which may not help as you already have some rendering delay, indicating GPU overload), or bump your encoding preset to Superfast or Ultrafast to see if it is able to cope.


New Member
Thank you for your prompt replies. I was starting to suspect that might be the case. We'll have to get a different PC with a better CPU and GPU.

Thanks again!