Question / Help Encoder Overloaded with low utilization


New Member
So I wanted to start local recording my streams at higher quality and i wanted to use my 5700XT to hardware encode, but i keep havig this issue were everything is fine for like 1-3 hours then out of nowhere i get encoder overloaded error and obs breaks. When this happens, OBS hangs on 'stopping recording...' if i try to stop it, in the view - stats window it says its due to encoder lag. this happens on AVC and HEVC with every rate control method. there is no lag for an extended period of time then it just hits all at once and breaks my stream too. i've tried toggle all the settings that are enable/disable, i've tried lowering the wuality to the point were it isnt even worth it, on the session that i posted logs for i had task manager open and GPU usage never went above 80%, 'video encode' never went above 38%, or 46% if i had a video playing.

this 'No output Packet, encoder is overloaded!' seems to be recurent through all the logs where recording has overloaded. i was initially recording to a HDD but i also tried 2 seperate NVMe drives with the same results

any help/info/advice apreciated :)


  • 2020-05-03 01-28-26.txt
    23.8 KB · Views: 3