Encoder overload with NVENC and RTX


New Member
Dear OBS community,

It's been some month I stream on my video encode part of my RTX 2070 thanks to NVENC (new) encoder of OBS, and I never had problems, even in most graphic consuming games.
However, yesterday, I tried to stream Forza Horizon 4 with the same settings, and unfortunately I was facing Encoder overload issues....

I really don't understand why because, with my settings, OBS is supposed to stream only with the video encode part of my RTX, and it's not supposed to touch the video decode part...

Is it because I was capturing my display instead of the game ? (Forza Horizon 4 does not support Game capture or Window capture, resulting in a crash)

Here are my settings (in French, sorry) :


Oh and sorry for my english

Many thanks,


New Member
Hi and thanks for your response.

Yeah my GPU is running at 95~98%, however I am pretty sure that the RTX 2070 has a dedicated part of the GPU for the video encoding (for streaming) so the %GPU usage normally should not impact the stream...

And, btw, I already stream other game which took around 100% of my GPU... so I really don't understand :/



New Member
Streaming with NVENC causes frame drops when GPU usage exceeds 95%.
I don't know the technical details, but this page is probably helpful.