Question / Help Encoder Overload/Driver Crash when attempting to record


New Member
Hoping someone can help,
I am attempting to capture gameplay footage, however, when I start to record, the game crashes with a driver crash error, and OBS Studio pops up a quick message at the bottom saying there has been encoder overload. I will preface this with the fact that I have used OBS before with no issues, but I recently changed my hardware from and AMD cpu and gpu to Intel and Nvidia. Is there any reason to uninstall and reinstall OBS after a hardware change? Everything works fine in display capture.

My rig:
i7 7700k @ 4.4ghz
GTX 1070 FE
16GB DDR4 Ram
Windows 10 Anniversary Edition

My Settings:
Encoder: NVENC H.264
Bitrate: I have tried anywhere between 30,000 and 50,000
High Quality preset
High Profile
Two-Pass Encoding
1080p @ 60fps

Pastebin to log:

Thank you for any help you can offer!


  • 2017-03-13 01-55-00.txt
    29.7 KB · Views: 3


Forum Admin
What game are you trying to capture that is crashing? Are you on the latest nvidia drivers?


New Member
I am trying to run Ark Survival Evolved, and according to Geforce Experience my drivers are up to date


New Member
@Fenrir Just an update. I was running OBS Studio on a second monitor. When I moved OBS to the same monitor as the game, and turned off the second monitor, everything seems to work fine. Is there any sort of explanation for that you could think of?


Forum Admin
@Fenrir Just an update. I was running OBS Studio on a second monitor. When I moved OBS to the same monitor as the game, and turned off the second monitor, everything seems to work fine. Is there any sort of explanation for that you could think of?

I can't think of any reason that would be happening, unless you have monitors plugged in to your motherboard directly as well as your video card? The log only shows a single monitor connected to the nvidia GPU.


New Member
That may be it. Both monitors are hooked up to the GPU, but I never set up the second monitor through Nvidia Control Panel. I always just extend to the second monitor through windows..