Bug Report Elgato no Sound when I put the "-" on ELGATO PROPERTIES


New Member
Hi, my elgato sound doesn't seem to work when I try to configure as all the videos that I saw and I noticed that it only happens when I try to put the -1500 on the elgato properties on OBS (https://gyazo.com/3585a9aeb91ed73f5546304bc3193f2f).

I already changed on the advanced settings my "Global audio sync" to 1500, but it doesn't work when I put the minus on my elgato properties and if don't use it I can't sync the web/mic/game.

The image is working, only the audio that does not work.

Trying like 2 months now to fix it.

Sorry for my english, brazilian here.


New Member
I think you'd be better off delaying the game and camera video along with the microphone audio to match the elgato's delay rather than trying to reduce it. Just a guess.


New Member
But I can't do that to the image, elgato has a 1500 delay by its nature. I need to put in the Settings->Advanced->Global audio sync = 1500 to the rest of my audio (pc sounds = music and other people talking to me) to sync, if I don't do that the Elgato will be delayed and I can't put delay on the image, the program doesn't accept, only on sound