Question / Help Elgato HD60S vs HD60S+


New Member
please master, and fellow Mac streamers..

What's the update? I want to buy an Elgato HD60S, but people here said it doesn't work...

-- Elgatos website claims to support Mac + OBS

Elgato Game Capture HD60 S+ supports various macOS software via UVC, including:

• Ecamm Live
• OBS Studio

who should I believe?


Community Helper
The "+" is the important part. The HD60S does NOT work with OBS, but the HD60S+ DOES work with OBS. Make absolute sure it is an S+ not an S.


Active Member
I don't think anybody suggests any Elgato capture gear other than the Camlink for use with OBS on MacOS. Even the variations of the HD60 that do support OBS on MacOS do it through running a program that takes the capture device and turns it into an NDI feed and you use that in OBS.

Vendors that make hardware that have MacOS device drivers: BlackMagic, Magewell, AJA. With Elgato it's a crap shoot or Boot Camp.


Community Helper
The S+ explicitly has support for UVC drivers, which means it works with OBS natively. It is a relatively new offering on Elgato's behalf.