Question / Help Elgato Game Capture HD60 stuck on "One Moment Please" in OBS Studio


New Member

For reasons that I still haven't been able to properly pin down, OBS will not properly recognize my Elgato. All of my stream settings match that of the Elgato, and my Elgato works perfectly fine in Game Capture HD (which is not open, sans the Configure Video window that oftentimes doesn't even pop up (which for some reason usually says either "No signal" or the message in the image, even though the device is hooked up)).

Any ideas on why this is happening? It seems to display everything else I have (Blue Yeti, Eyetoy as Webcam, images, etc.).
Not sure how much help this is but I get that in OBS when something else has the Elgato open, I have a HD 60 Pro. So for instance if I open up a second copy of OBS I will see that the video capture displays that error while my first occurrence of OBS shows video.

I also just noticed that in your second image the Elgato config screen shows that the device is not connected. This is pretty strange but may be related to the fact that some other application is already controlling the Elgato if you see what I mean.

Just for a comparison here are my properties from my Elgato:


You can see that everything is available to change and not grayed out as in your screen shot.


New Member
Not sure how much help this is but I get that in OBS when something else has the Elgato open, I have a HD 60 Pro. So for instance if I open up a second copy of OBS I will see that the video capture displays that error while my first occurrence of OBS shows video.

I also just noticed that in your second image the Elgato config screen shows that the device is not connected. This is pretty strange but may be related to the fact that some other application is already controlling the Elgato if you see what I mean.

Just for a comparison here are my properties from my Elgato:

View attachment 13441

You can see that everything is available to change and not grayed out as in your screen shot.
(which is not open, sans the Configure Video window that oftentimes doesn't even pop up (which for some reason usually says either "No signal" or the message in the image, even though the device is hooked up)).

No other application I have running is using the Elgato in any way; OBS is the only one.


New Member
Update: Without any rhyme or reason, OBS finally detected it. However, when I closed out and reopened to check if everything was in order, it's having the same issues again.

This is infuriating.
I really don't think that this is an OBS issue but let's try a couple of things to see if they help.

First off could you try the device in a different USB port? I am not sure if you are on a desktop or a laptop, if laptop then just try another port, if a desktop then could you try plugging the device into the front USB ports instead of the back or vice versa.

Second could you upload a log from OBS, not sure it will tell us much but it'll give us an idea of your config.

How to upload a log is detailed here:


New Member
I've found a way to consistently get it to work, but it's a little finicky.

Switching the source's target to my (already active) webcam and switching it back to the Elgato forces it to work. I'm not entirely sure why this is but at least it's working now.