Question / Help Elgato de-syncs Mic audio.


New Member
I've been using the Mac version of OBS for a few days. I've noticed that when I use my elgato, after about an hour of recording with it, the recording starts to buffer and fall back a little bit, throwing off my microphone audio. Is there anyway to fix this, whether it's in the OBS settings or in my Elgato settings? I realize that this version is not up to date with the Windows version, so there are not as many options, so if there isn't a way to fix this, when will the next update come out where I could fix this?


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"Throw off my microphone audio"? What do you mean specifically?


New Member
My Elgato, since it has a specific recording setting, records all the time and I simply rewind and cut what I want to keep. After about an hour or so of recording, my Elgato begins to fall back in the recording. I'm sorry I don't really know a better way to explain this. When it falls back into the recording my Mic stays at the same pace. Imagine the two of them in a "race". They are both going at a steady pace and one (The Elgato) begins to fall behind while the other (My microphone) stays at the same pace. Now the audio from my microphone and the gameplay and audio from my Elgato do not match up anymore.
I saw there is a setting on the Windows version that fixes this issue, setting the mic delay to 1500-1600, but that option is not on the Mac version.


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Yea, that option is still not available on the mac version, though I want to add it soon. Not much I can do if the elgato itself is increasing in delay though.


New Member
Alright. Thank you sir. How long, if I may ask, would you say until the version with that option is available?


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I may try to get it in next version. Webcam delay will still not be possible, but general audio delay/syncing will be possible.