Bug Report Elgato audio "cutting out" during in-game transitions


New Member
So, I'm having a pretty strange issue with OBS Studio and my Elgato Game Capture HD (Original, not HD60/Pro). Whenever there's a load screen/transition in the game I'm streaming, the audio sort of cuts out sporadically right before the transition starts, and lasts until it ends.

You can see (Or rather, hear) an example of it here: http://www.twitch.tv/forstride/v/50870015?t=28s

Whenever it happens, I can see the audio levels jumping around in the mixer. I never had this issue in regular OBS, but I had to switch to OBS Studio because I was having the opposite issue, where the game video would cut out during loading screens (And OBS Studio magically fixed it I guess).

I'm using 0.13.2, and have a log of my most recent attempt to stream (Where the issue also happens): https://gist.github.com/TDWPFTW/bdcf80b7a7bc967315ca
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New Member
The only way I was able to fix it was by downgrading my Elgato software/drivers to version 1.42.24.

It fixes the skipping for both the video and the audio, although I just hope there aren't any major benefits being lost from newer versions.