EL Gato + Mac OBS


New Member
So I'm trying to stream via my mac and an el gato capture card and OBS. So far the only way I can figure out how to do this is to open the el gato software then screen capture it through OBS. The only issue is the huge difference in the delay of my gameplay and my camera. The el gato software when you stream already takes the delay into consideration and delays the facetime camera. besides that though that software is crap. Is there any way to add a delay on my facetime camera and mic so it matches my gameplay?


New Member
I figured out how to add a delay to the camera but can I add a delay to everything else so it all matches? Because now my camera matches but the mic audo is messed up


For your mic click on the sprocket next to the word "Mixer" and adjust the audio sources to be delayed.


New Member
Ok I think I got it all! set the same delay for the audio as I did the camera. The follow alert might be a bit off but I dont mind that at all if the rest are correct thanks!