Question / Help El capitan desktop audio ?


New Member
Hi all, looks like it's impossible to have multiple audio sources since el capitan, soundflower and wavtap arent working anymore because of Kext right ? (not working for me, maybe im doing something wrong)

How do u manage to have multiple source audio so ?

thx for the answers


El Capitan doesnt work with unsigned kexts anymore, and the "dev kext" boot flag doesnt work in el capitan. Soundflower still works if you inject the kext, such as with clover.


Clover is a bootloader. You can install it on a usb stick and boot your hard drive with it, but it is complicated if you dont already know how to use it. The easiest way to load unsigned kexts is to boot into your recovery partition (hold command+R when you boot your computer), and then open terminal and enter this line and press enter.
csrutil disable


New Member
I was looking for alternatives to WavTap and Soundflower and I found Sound Siphon to work as a great replacement for WavTap. I just set my Audio MIDI Setup to a multi-output device selecting both the South Siphon and my microphone (at this point in time it's the A50's). It works decently well and shows up as "audio output capture" on OBS rather than "desktop audio" like it does on WavTap.
Thank you for this alternative, I am not using El Capitan just yet but got fed up with WavTaP long ago and SoundFlower also had issues, used iShowU Audio Capture from your link on tonight's stream and it worked great,.