Question / Help eGPU use/support


New Member
Is there any way to use a eGPU for rendering in OBS Studio?
Rendering uses a lot of CPU, but a decent eGPU like BMD eGPU Pro, gives for ex. FCPX a LOT of rendering power.
Someone knows if this is a possibility in OBS world..?


Active Member
To the extent that OBS can use an eGPU on MacOS, if you are running OBS on a display connected to your eGPU, you are using it.

The OBS log will indicate near the top which GPU it is running on if you have more than one installed.

W/r/t use with FCPX, do you mean rendering or encoding?

Rendering in OBS does not use CPU, only GPU. Encoding uses CPU. An eGPU can't be used for encoding unless it's made available to OBS through the Apple VT Hardware Encoder. So if you have that available to you and it works, then yes. But having an eGPU doesn't give MacOS access to encoders it doesn't have software for (like NVENC).