Question / Help Echoing in OBS Studio w/ VoiceMeeter Banana

I've been having trouble trying to setup OBS Studio with VoiceMetter Banana. The ideal setup, is to have my Mic, Skype/Discord audio, and game audio in their own separate channels. I have the Speakers in Skype set to CABLE-A, my Mic is set in both Skype and VoiceMeeter and Game Audio is set in VAIO.

I have for the life of me, not been able to get rid of an echoing in OBS. When I stream or record, the Skype audio has an echo. Game and Mic audio are completely fine. I've tinkered with it so much, it's driving me nuts.

Can someone please help me?
I have enclosed screenshots of my setup.

Windows Sound Properties:

OBS Audio Setup:

VoiceMeeter Banana:

Skype Audio Setup:

And my OBS-studio log file:
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If your still interested in finding a solution, have a peek in the windows sound properties and see if you have enabled listen to this device.
Ok. I spent some more time testing a ton of things.

The Problem DOES NOT happen on OBS Classic. No echoing at all.
So I set the same features up in OBS Studio, and I think I have found out why this is a thing.

The Echoing ONLY happens when the camera is enabled in OBS Studio. When its Disabled, no echoing at all.
In the camera settings, I found that you can't tell OBS Studio not to capture audio from the webcam. In Classic, you can turn audio capture off from the camera's properties.

In OBS Studio however, you can't:

There is no option to tell OBS Studio not to capture Audio from a video source (Disable).
In Windows Mixer, I do have the webcam mic disabled in recording devices, and in OBS Studio the audio is muted in the mixer there, but it's still picked up nonetheless, and that I believe, is what is causing my echo issue.


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VoiceMeeter Banana is complicated, both itself and how you set it for use within Windows. I've done some crazy complex stuff with it.

I've interconnected three remote bidirectional conference systems, while allowing my headset to engage with all. I used VBAN to do this across two different instances of VMB.

You just need to work out the signal flows in detail and system-wide.


A cheap analog mixer will do that stuff even better, with more control and with 0 problems. VoiceMeeter is just bananas, doesnt work properly out of the box, adds some latency here and there, is not 100% stable and is the worst solution EVER for audio routing. No idea why people still use it.
When I learned that the problem might be OBS Studio's inability to disable audio from video sources, Voicemeeter was NOT installed. It isn't installed now, and the echo is there when the webcam is enabled.

I have been able to successfully recreate the echo problem in OBS Studio, and resolve it when the camera is off.


Active Member
Then mute the audio device for your webcam's mic or disable its capture.

Note: the default settings for a logitech c920 has no audio device linked to the webcam's video capture device source.
Then mute the audio device for your webcam's mic or disable its capture.

Note: the default settings for a logitech c920 has no audio device linked to the webcam's video capture device source.

I've done both of those things already, but the webcam is necessary for the upcoming projects I'm about to start and I'm using a Logitech C310.

edit: and there should be an option to disable audio from a video source, regardless of where the source comes from.


Active Member
Did you mute it in OBS' mixer?
Did you double-check to make sure you're not listening to these microphones on other audio devices?
I'm an Idiot. I forgot to mute the webcam audio in the OBS Mixer. I missed 1 track in the channel, causing the echo.
I feel like such a moron. Sorry Folks.


New Member
I made an account on OBS just so i can thank this discussion, thanks to this I was finally able to fix my obnoxious Echo issues I've been having while streaming caused due to an unknown to me before feature of recording audio from camera as well. Thanks a lot! :)


New Member
I'm an Idiot. I forgot to mute the webcam audio in the OBS Mixer. I missed 1 track in the channel, causing the echo.
I feel like such a moron. Sorry Folks.
5 years later and I am having a problem with this smh. I use OBS Studio and downloaded Voicemeeter Banana a few days ago. My audio was working completely fine in both my twitch streams and VODs until this morning when I opened up OBS Studio where I could hear my mic playback through my headphones. This only happens when my OBS is open I disabled the webcam audio in advanced audio settings as you did as well. The thing is I never added my microphone into Voicemeeter Banana and it still comes through m one of my virtual inputs. I use their audio virtual cable to take place of hardware input 1 for my web browser audio like youtube and Spotify. Any help.. 5 years later?