Echo while connected to sound board


New Member
We have a ptz optics camera that is receiving sound from our sound board via headphone jack. The camera has an ip controller so we pick up the sound and video from that and process it through OBS so we can control camera and video outputs and we livestream from there. The soundboard is used for our live worship service so we cannot mute it. We have added our PTZ Camera as an Audio Source and separately as a video source. We were getting an echo - actually more a repeat of the live sound after a second or two - in-house but we were able to get rid of it. However, the livestream has an echo. How can we remove the echo from the livestream, too? I have looked at some of the forum Q & A regarding echoes but we are all volunteers and very new to this and many of the posts have really technical explanations. Could you please explain in simple words or even with pictures what we should do? Thanks you!


We had a very similar situation and use the same setup as mentioned. What you are getting is the loop back of the audio output going back into the stream with few millisecond delay. You need to look in windows sound settings and figure out where its going back into input. I cannot provide exact solution as situations can differ a lot . I have attached screen shot from our set up on OBS if we dont mute the desktop audio we get an echo so once we done with any music play back I mute the desktop audio. Some times in windows even after you make changes it do not come into effect until you relogin or restart the PC so keep it in mind. Hope this helps.


Active Member
The soundboard is used for our live worship service so we cannot mute it. We have added our PTZ Camera as an Audio Source and separately as a video source.

What all is coming through the soundboard?

We were getting an echo - actually more a repeat of the live sound after a second or two - in-house but we were able to get rid of it. However, the livestream has an echo. How can we remove the echo from the livestream, too? I have looked at some of the forum Q & A regarding echoes but we are all volunteers and very new to this and many of the posts have really technical explanations. Could you please explain in simple words or even with pictures what we should do? Thanks you!
Do you have redundant microphones? ie, is your soundpanel hooked up to one of more microphones within sanctuary, and that is fed into OBS, AND you have the microphone from the PTZ? If yes, that is your problem, I'd think [beware, audio is my weakest skillset, so ignore my advice as soon as you get better input]. You have audio coming in via 2 different sources, and as the paths are different, meaning there will be a likely timing difference in processing (hence perceived echo).

If I'm guessing correctly on 2 audio sources from same room, I suspect the answer is along the lines of
- keep is simple, s... keep all audio flowing through the soundpanel, and use only that
- If using both audio sources is needed, choose which audio to use and mute the other
- if you need both audio sources on at same time, I'd think you'll need to
- either run PTZ audio through sound board (dealing with sync there); OR
- look up how to sync audio & video in OBS (there are free sample videos which will hopefully suffice). As a starting point, I'd think (I'm guessing) to mute PTZ, use its video and audio sync to soundboard as a _starting_ point. then adjust as needed from there

I'm posting so you get some info, just recognize audio is my weakest expertise when it comes to OBS, and I'm an OBS newbie (2020) at that... just highly technical on the computer/network side of things

Oh, and I had echo issues until I disabled Desktop Audio completely, and only used Audio sources specifically chosen per scene (for our HoW, I'm at 20+ scenes and counting... hoping to greatly reduce that once I get PTZ camera this week, and we start planning for in-person services at some point (end of this year, maybe next year.. TBD.. most in parish are in no rush for health and safety reasons)