Easiest way to have multiple people from different locations in one stream with cam and gameplay


New Member
so to go into more detail, I'd like to be able to have a stream where I can either have me and two other people cameras up on the screen at the same time (in different locations), or have one cam up with their gameplay and be able to switch to someone else with their cam and gameplay. Hell, even have two cams up with each of their gameplay side by side. They wouldnt be streaming themselves ideally, but using OBS to send to me. to manage. I know vmix exists but wondering if there is a way to do this via OBS that is easier to setup potentially. Appreciate any direction and tips in advanced!


Active Member
Where are the different locations?

If they're adjacent rooms with a dedicated wire in between, OBS has plugins for that, that pretty much "just work".

If they're across the public internet, you'll lose enough and have to resend, that you'll need several seconds (maybe 10's of seconds) worth of buffer just to give a 2 or 3 times resent packet the opportunity to slip back into the stream before it's needed.