Question / Help Dynamic image based on %age of health from game capture?


New Member
Basically I'm trying to accomplish this....

I'm capturing my game screen, (ingame) there is a health percentage showed. What I want to do is have an image change dynamically based on that percentage. IE: Old school DOOM face, then more dead you get the worse your face looked.

Anyone know of any plugins to help accomplish this?
Has anyone done something similar?

Any help would be appreciated thx!


You'd need something that outputs your ingame health on the fly to a .txt file and an image plugin that updates the image based on your health displayed in the txt file. I don't think anyone can help you with that.


New Member
Yeah, I like that idea.

I was thinking more along the lines of taking a screen shot of all the numbers DEAD-to-100% cropping out everything but the numbers, then the image size would be small and not entire resolution. Making a plugin to watch (like the image boxes that can be resized) a set area of the screen for matching pattern, comparing them against my screen images. The image plugin inside seems to have an option to check for file changes. Wondering how hard it would be to engineer that to look at this area (cropped by the image like box) in the video stream instead of the local file, as it does for images.

I dunno I hope that made some sense lol. It really would be cool to have some kinda of screen recognition inside OBS for some things.

Just something I think that would be really really cool to have, heck you could make like some kinda of auto targeting HUD display for games I guess. Or target recognition and junk. I dunno just dreaming of stuff haha. GLHF peeps!

But all I really want is a DOOM face lmfao.