dv1394 firewire camera


New Member

Excelent job, we really need a software for live composition on linux :D
Thanks a lot!

I use Debian Jessie on a Macbook Pro, i used to stream with old miniDV cameras wich just not funtion the tape.
I figure out that now the people use modern cameras, but i have these ones and are a good solution for me and maybe for someone else. Because there is not listed Video Devices (DV1394) on OBS, I just create a WINDOW with this code:

gst-launch-0.10 dv1394src ! queue ! dvdemux ! ffdec_dvvideo ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink

And then use a Window Capture for add it to my composition. Just works!
I hope the OBS was every day better, it is very usefull for us.

Sorry my english.