Question / Help Dusty colors on local recordings


New Member
Hey everyone,

So I've had this issue for a while now and I've never found a way to fix it, I'll show you what my problem is in a simple comparison :

Actual scene :

OBS footage :

As you can see, OBS applies a weird dusty kind of filter to the image, which makes the scene look horrible, I've tried recording with Fraps and this issue isn't present in it, Fraps actually captures the image exactly as it's shown on my screen.

I'm using Lossless settings on OBS, you can see all my settings in here, originally used this guide for my settings, I've also tried using Device Capture / Game Capture, changing the recording format, using completely different settings, but this issue still persists.

So I was wondering if there's a way to correct that or if it's just how OBS works ?

Thanks for your futur answers.

Log file :
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Forum Admin
While not related:

15:21:18.405: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] custom settings: qp=0
15:21:18.405: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] VBV is incompatible with constant QP, ignored.

You can remove that setting, it's not doing anything. If you're ONLY recording, you should be using the Simple Output Mode presets.

On topic, you changed the color format

15:20:37.857:    format:            I444

Try putting that back on NV12 and see if it helps.


New Member
Please, try to playback the "1280x720_444_709_tv_10sec+10sec.mp4" video file from the OBS Studio: Color Space, Color Format, Color Range settings Guide. Test charts. Make screenshot at 00:00:05 sec (range table) and post it here too.

If you meant play it directly with a media player (VLC in my case) then here is the screenshot, if not please explain more.

Try putting that back on NV12 and see if it helps.

Same issue still.

By the way even tho OBS says otherwise, the qp=0 line does make a huge difference, here's the proof.
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If you meant play it with a media player (VLC in my case)...
Are the washed out game shots from VLC as well?

Maybe it's just a case of hardware accelerated playback being weird about color range.

Try settings this in your NVIDIA panel, just as a test, and close/open VLC:


  • NV.PNG
    64.7 KB · Views: 176


New Member
Are the washed out game shots from VLC as well?

Maybe it's just a case of hardware accelerated playback being weird about color range.

Try settings this in your NVIDIA panel, just as a test, and close/open VLC:

That surprisingly worked ! How come did this issue not appear on Fraps's footage since it was VLC related then ?

Thanks for your help and should I keep Nvidia's settings like that ?


That supprisingly worked, how come did this issue not appear on Fraps's footage since it was VLC related then ?

Thanks for your help and should I keep Nvidia's settings like that ?
I'm not sure why that happens, but I have to do the exact same thing. ^^ Go ahead and keep it like that, yeah.

I guess it's an NVIDIA issue, but I'm not sure. H.264 decoding is hardware accelerated, among a few other codecs, but I assume FRAPS decoding isn't, so maybe that's why.

Suslik V

Active Member
@Tyler- , If the screenshot you posted is the same you see on the display (by your eyes) then your player cannot playback TV range videos right (I assume, that you are using casual monitor, not TV set). The white on the screenshot is shaded a lot (not scaled by the player).

Also, if you plan to edit your videos later - upload test videos to the editor as well, and look at the output (again, you don't know is your player able to playback editor's output right...).