Question / Help Dual POV audio possibility queston?


Hey folks.

I recently setup my LGP Lite to capture the fianceés view for some dual stream and everything is running perfectly.

Given our setup (2 PCs, one capture card and streaming from my pc) is it possible to capture audio from her PC without capturing my microphone as we're on discord/other voice comms?

What I want to do is, I want to have her as a PIP most of the time but when I switch scene so that her screen is the main focus I want to have HER pc sound as the main sound, however the stream is going to hear me twice and at a delay right?

I could of course mute myself at the same time in OBS and then it would capture my voice on her PC and bring it back to my PC for streaming but then my voice would be out of sync to the webcam so I'd like to avoid that to keep things as smooth and seamless as possible.

Any ideas?


Have a look at the Audio Input/Output Capture sources, I think they are meant for per-scene volume configurations.


I think it is more a case of a configuration of using audio repeater somehow. Rather than audio/input/output as I can't gain these options from the PC I want as these devices must be directly connected.

Perhaps something like creating a new speaker "Line 1", setting this as the default speaker config, then capturing the desktop audio and pushing it to a new "Line 1" source and a "Line 3" source. Setting discord onto another "Line 2" source and pushing that to the same "Line 1" source as the desktop, then setting that line source as the default speaker config for the fiancees pc so that she can hear both desktop audio and mic audio from discord, then sending the desktop only (Line 3) audio along to the capture card possibly as this would not have any microphone overlayed on it.

Additionally, I was perhaps thinking that the sound could be split using a 3.5mm jack splitter and pumping her desktop audio into my line in, however as it stands the current desktop audio she hears would have discord over the top, which would have my voice being pushed back to me and echoed on my stream.


I looked at voice banana but I just can't see a way of pumping specific lines of audio through to the capture card no matter which way round its set. I don't appear to be able to push through audio through the HDMI which is whats making the issue more difficult. She hears audio through a soundcard/jacks which means its not going through the HDMI right?

I'm really stumped at how to do this with the current setup that I have.

What I have is this:
My pc: Running my game pov/sound + OBS.
Her pc: Running just her game.
Capture card: Capturing HER pov and desktop sound to my PC/OBS as a source for picture in picture play.

To reiterate/clarify the issue that I want to avoid is as we're on voice comms with mics plugged into our own machines, if I talk while its capturing her "desktop audio" then it will capture me also through her instance of discord (voice comms), feeding me back to myself along the audio cable and to the stream as a delayed echo.

Currently running her sound through the capture card using a 3.5mm jack splitter which is going to capture all sound that she would hear in her headphones regardless of wizardry done at the desktop level, so the solution I need.. is to somehow get ALL sounds from her pc to me, except what ever voice comms program that we're using while still feeding the voice comms sound to her headphones.

The big issue here is that we're on voice comms, which makes it very hard to exclude mic feedback and still be able to hear each other on voice comms while allowing me to talk to the stream.

Ideas folks? We can't move the PCs, so voice comms is a must.


The reason I specifically suggested you look at the section on VBAN is that it can send multiple audio tracks across the network to another instance of Voicemeeter, i.e. the one you would have running on your OBS PC. You wouldn't use the audio stream coming across the HDMI at all. So you would set her Windows playback device to Voicemeeter VAIO, set Discord's output device to Voicemeeter AUX VAIO, mix them together and send them both to the audio device on her PC, and using VBAN send only her Voicemeeter VAIO output across the network to your PC. Voicemeeter on your PC receives it, routes it to the AUX output, you capture that in OBS. You'd probably have to adjust for some latency.


Ohh well that sounds like it would work fine! I'll have to look into that, I did look at the page for "VBAN" but I'll be honest, its a bit hectic here and I was time pushed so must have missed it. I will definately have a look at that!

Will report back when its done :-)