Question / Help Dropping 40%+ frames, out of ideas.


New Member
Hello everyone on OBS forum!

So, I'm out of ideas.
When trying to stream to twitch I get insane amounts of dropped frames.
Actions so far that I have done are:
  • Uninstalled and/or disabled Norton Internet Security and Firewall.
  • Deactivated Windows Firewall.
  • Router made as a bridge.
  • Tried different bitrates, servers and streaming services.
  • Reinstalled OBS.

I'm attaching my log for OBS on how it looks and what's happening, perhaps someone can shine some light on this issue.
I've went through the big framedrop thread without success.
Also used the teamlíquid server determination program and everything works fine in there.


  • 2016-10-15 00-43-03.txt
    30.7 KB · Views: 9


New Member
As said, I allready did that and everything sems to work fine.
I'll upload the screenshot just for the sake of it though.


Suslik V

Active Member
Babe, if losing 41...12% of packets during data transfer to the Twitch is good for you - then I don't know. Or quality 56-88 is not a %% (from the screenshot) ?


It's not a 'straight' percentage. According to R1CH, anything above 80 should be good for streaming, and 90+ is pretty much where you want to live for no issues whatsoever.

Looking over your log, it seems that your internet connection is very unstable. The longer you stream the worse it gets. Your post of the Twitch test seems to confirm that. Try setting the Twitchtest for a 5 minute length test (top right option) and post the results.

If it's noticeably worse, then that means your router/ISP is messing you over.